On eval and evil.

Aug 28, 2012   #eval  #DSL 

“eval is evil” has become a maxim repeated in the Javascript community. Douglas Crockford, in Javascript: The Good Parts, rightly advises against hidden and explicit uses of eval for security and clarity reasons. Now, I find eval useful to implement DSLs in Javascript. The in-browser CoffeeScript compiler wouldn’t be possible without eval (directly or indirectly). So, in this post, I wish to explore what appears interesting about eval that is relevant to building such DSLs.

For this post, I’ll stick to the behaviour of eval in the Chrome browser (i.e. the V8 engine, which also applies to Node.js). We’ll go through a number of contexts and examine how eval behaves in each of those. You can copy paste the code shown here to Chrome’s JS console and run them.

What is eval?

A simplistic description is that you pass a Javascript string to eval and it will “evaluate” it as Javascript code, whatever that means. The ECMA-262 specification (edition 5.1) has the following to say on eval -

10.4.2 Entering Eval Code

The following steps are performed when control enters the execution context for eval code:

  1. If there is no calling context or if the eval code is not being evaluated by a direct call ( to the eval function then,

    a. Initialise the execution context as if it was a global execution context using the eval code as C as described in

  2. Else,

    a. Set the ThisBinding to the same value as the ThisBinding of the calling execution context.

    b. Set the LexicalEnvironment to the same value as the LexicalEnvironment of the calling execution context.

    c. Set the VariableEnvironment to the same value as the VariableEnvironment of the calling execution context.

  3. If the eval code is strict code, then

    a. Let strictVarEnv be the result of calling NewDeclarativeEnvironment passing the LexicalEnvironment as the argument.

    b. Set the LexicalEnvironment to strictVarEnv.

    c. Set the VariableEnvironment to strictVarEnv.

  4. Perform Declaration Binding Instantiation as described in 10.5 using the eval code. Strict Mode Restrictions

The eval code cannot instantiate variable or function bindings in the variable environment of the calling context that invoked the eval if either the code of the calling context or the eval code is strict code. Instead such bindings are instantiated in a new VariableEnvironment that is only accessible to the eval code.

Introducing local variables

An expression of the form eval("var x = 10;") is capable of introducing a new variable x in the context in which it is executed. However, as noted in the ECMA specification, if the eval code is strict, then you cannot introduce a new variable this way - i.e. eval("var x = 10;") will work, but eval('"use strict"; var x = 10;') will not work. No exception is thrown, but the variable is simply not introduced into the enclosing environment, though it is available to the rest of the evaled code.

Consider the following function -

function localVars(x, stmt) {
    return x + y;

All of the following behave as one might expect -

  1. localVars(10, "var y = 5;") returns 15
  2. localVars(10, "var y = x + 5;") returns 25.
  3. localVars(10, "'use strict'; var y = 5;") raises a ReferenceError: y is not defined exception.

Capturing local variables in closures

Consider the following function -

function captureSecretValue(code) {
    var secret = 3.14159;
    return eval(code);

captureSecretValue("secret") returns 3.14159 as expected. You can also create closures that capture the “secret” value -

var f = captureSecretValue("(function (x) { return secret * x; })");
console.log(f(1)); // prints "3.14159"

However, the following gives a ReferenceError -

function nest(code) {
    var nestedSecret = 2;
    return eval(code);

function captureNestedSecret(code, nest) {
    var secret = 3.14159;
    return nest(code);

console.log(captureNestedSecret("secret * nestedSecret", nest));

This illustrates that only the variables in the lexical context are available to eval and not those in its evaluation context. The following will therefore print 6.28318 as expected.

function captureNestedSecret(code) {
    var secret = 3.14159;
    function nest() {
        var nestedSecret = 2;
        return eval(code);
    return nest();

console.log(captureNestedSecret("secret * nestedSecret"));

Scope objects

If you have an object whose keys give variable names and whose values give their values, you can use eval in conjunction with the with statement (beware: evil squared!) to evaluate code in that scope. Here is what I mean -

function evalInScope(scope, code) {
    with (scope) {
        return eval(code);

var scope = {a: 10, b: 20};
console.log(evalInScope(scope, "a + b")); // prints "30"
console.log(evalInScope(Math, "acos(0)")); // prints "1.5707963267948966"

What is more interesting is that you can capture the “variables” in a closure that you create using eval as follows -

var f = evalInScope(scope, "(function (c) { return a + b * c; })");
console.log(f(0)); // prints "10"
console.log(f(2)); // prints "50"

Since it is not the values of the variables that are being captured, but the references, you can now do -

scope.a = 100;
console.log(f(0)); // prints "100"

If you subsequently delete one of the variables in the scope object, you get a ReferenceError as one might expect. The scope object therefore provides access to the scope chain of the created closure. This interception is deep, since you can introduce new variables into the scope by manipulating scope as well.

var scope = {a: 10};
var f = evalInScope(scope, "(function (c) { return a + b * c; })");
console.log(f(0));  // ReferenceError
scope.b = 20;       // Introduce binding for "b".
console.log(f(0));  // prints "10"
console.log(f(2));  // prints "50"

Named functions within with

The following code doesn’t work and throws a ReferenceError because the inner closure is instantiated outside the with scope by the V8 compiler, contrary to what it might look like.

// (1) doesn't work
var scope = {message: "hello world"};
var greeting;
with (scope) {
    function inner() {
        greeting = message;

The following alternative works in V8 because the closure is created when executing a statement within the with clause.

// (2) works
var scope = {message: "hello world"};
var greeting;
with (scope) {
    var inner = function () {
        greeting = message;

This difference can be a WTF and points to the general recommendation of only using the latter “name a function through assignment” approach. We know that the definitions of named functions are lifted to the top of the surrounding scope, but also know that they are lifted out of any surrounding with blocks as well.

Update: This inconsistency is a bug in V8 looks like. Firefox’s VM behaves consistently in both the cases above. I’ve submitted a V8 bug report for this problem.

Preventing access to global objects

In a browser environment, all global symbols are available as properties of the window object. We can use this, in conjunction with the “scope object” feature as discussed above, to evaluate code that is to be prevented from touching any of these global objects or classes. This gives us a poor man’s sandbox.

;(function () {
    this.poorMansSandbox = (function (makeSandbox, world, allowed) {

        // Makes obj and all its ancestors read-only.
        function freezeHard(obj) {
            for (var iter = obj; iter; iter = iter.__proto__) {
                try { Object.freeze(iter); } catch (e) {}
            return obj;

        var scope, sandbox;

        var update = (function () {
            // Make poorMansSandbox itself unavailable.
            scope = {poorMansSandbox: undefined};

            // Mask every global thing visible, except "allowed".
            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(world).forEach(function (g) {
                scope[g] = undefined;
            allowed.forEach(function (g) {
                scope[g] = freezeHard(world[g]);

            sandbox = makeSandbox.call(scope);

            return arguments.callee;

        return function () {
            if (arguments.length === 0) {
                // Call the sandboxer with no arguments to
                // force it to update its world state.
                return arguments.callee;

            return sandbox.call(scope, arguments[0]);

    }(  (function () {
            with (this) {
                return function () {
                    "use strict";
                    return eval(arguments[0]);
        ["eval", "Math", "Object", "Array", "Function", "String",
         "Date", "Number", "Boolean", "Infinity", "NaN", "isNaN",

The idea behind the above code is to prevent access to global properties other than the ones given in the allowed array. Furthermore, we also don’t want the eval code to add new global properties by simple assignment, for which we simply use strict mode evaluation.

Though this prevents access to existing global properties, it doesn’t prevent access to properties that will be added to window after the eval happens. To update the internal scope object of the poorMansSandbox, call it once with no arguments before calling it on the string to be evaluated.

Of course, the eval-ed code can still do malicious things, but it cannot at least do them inadvertently. Hence “poor man’s”.


eval should be used with tons of caution. However, if you’re interested in making DSLs around Javascript, it helps to know its workings a bit deeper. Remember - there is always something “good” in every “evil” ;)