A critique of Tuna

Nov 9, 2012   #Web Audio API  #Tuna 

Google has open sourced the Tuna set of effects used in their Jam with Chrome project. Here, I collect some thoughts about the code design decisions for their effects framework, since I myself have written Steller.


In Tuna, the effects module’s parameters are presented to the API user as object properties and implemented using getters and setters. This is obviously simple from the perspective of a module user. However, it has several disadvantages -

If a module contains another module and you want to expose that parameter, you’re forced to write another getter/setter to handle the indirection. Such parameters cannot be passed around “by reference”. The only thing you can do with them is to set/get their values. “By reference” passing is a simple way to expose an internal module’s parameters to the module user which is an important kind of composability.

Owing to the getter/setter approach, meta information about parameters such as their range, defaults, automation capabilities, etc. need to be stored elsewhere in a “defaults” object, instead of being directly associated with them.

In some of the effects, some internal values and other parameters need to be recomputed when a couple of parameters change. In this case, the code for updating the dependent parameters is duplicated since it is not particularly convenient to write a shared function local when defining parameters using Object.create like this -

    baseFrequency: {
        enumerable: true,
        get: function () {return this._baseFrequency},
        set: function (value) {
            this._baseFrequency = 50 * Math.pow(10, value * 2);
            this._excursionFrequency = Math.min(this.sampleRate / 2, this.baseFrequency * Math.pow(2, this._excursionOctaves));
            this.filterBp.frequency.value = this._baseFrequency + this._excursionFrequency * this._sweep;
            this.filterPeaking.frequency.value = this._baseFrequency + this._excursionFrequency * this._sweep;
    excursionOctaves: {
        enumerable: true,
        get: function () {return this._excursionOctaves},
        set: function (value) {
            this._excursionOctaves = value;
            this._excursionFrequency = Math.min(this.sampleRate / 2, this.baseFrequency * Math.pow(2, this._excursionOctaves));
            this.filterBp.frequency.value = this._baseFrequency + this._excursionFrequency * this._sweep;
            this.filterPeaking.frequency.value = this._baseFrequency + this._excursionFrequency * this._sweep;

A simpler way to solve this would be to have parameters be first class objects that can be inspected, instead of just accessing and setting their values. Meta data about them can travel along with them. In Steller, watcher functions can be installed on parameters run code when the parameter’s value changes.

Inheritance using the prototype mechanism

One of the code design choices that vastly complicates the code in this case is the choice of using prototype based inheritance to define the properties of instantiated effects modules. While this is common in the JS world, in this case it deprives the programmer of a local context in which to hide internal objects from the effects module’s user and to write shared private code like in the case above. Any potential loss of efficiency in not using the prototype mechanism for this application is insignificant since object creation is not the thing we should be optimising for.

The “define all methods and properties within the constructor function” approach is much more suitable in this situation.