window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (fn) { setTimeout(fn, 15); }; var canvas, context, render, t = 0, Animate = false; if (!org.anclab.steller.AudioContext) { alert("This browser doesn't support the Web Audio API yet."); throw new Error('No Web Audio API support'); } var $steller_scheduler = null; function initialize_steller() { $steller_scheduler = new org.anclab.steller.Scheduler(new org.anclab.steller.AudioContext); } var $recording_in_progress = false; var $recording = []; // These globals are acessible from the live coding env. function startRecording() { $recording_in_progress = true; } function stopRecording() { $recording_in_progress = false; localStorage['steller_explorer.recording'] = JSON.stringify($recording); } function clearRecording() { $recording.splice(0); } function theRecording() { return $steller_scheduler.track($ (code, i) { if (i > 0) { return $steller_scheduler.track([ $steller_scheduler.delay(0.001 * (code.time - $recording[i-1].time)), $ () { evalCode(code.code); }) ]); } else { return $ () { evalCode(code.code); }); } })); } // Map the cancel button to the scheduler's cancel method. document.getElementById('cancel').onclick = function () { $steller_scheduler.cancel(); }; // Exposed function which is better to work with than the string form. function rgba(r, g, b, a) { return 'rgba(' + Math.round(r) + ', ' + Math.round(g) + ', ' + Math.round(b) + ', ' + a + ')'; } // A "currying" function that can be used to fix some arguments of a // function while letting others vary freely. function fix(func) { if (arguments.length <= 1) { return func; } var freeIndices = []; var args = []; var i, N; for (i = 1, N = arguments.length; i < N; ++i) { if (arguments[i] === undefined) { freeIndices.push(i-1); } args.push(arguments[i]); } return function () { for (var i = 0, N = freeIndices.length; i < N; ++i) { args[freeIndices[i]] = arguments[i]; } return func.apply(null, args); }; } // A variation of "fix" above where we're fixing arguments // to a method of an object, so the object needs to be // the context of the fixed function's invocation. function fixm(object, methodName) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new Error('Insufficient number of arguments to fixb'); } var method = object[methodName]; if (arguments.length === 2) { return function () { return method.apply(object, arguments); }; } var freeIndices = []; var args = []; var i, N; for (i = 2, N = arguments.length; i < N; ++i) { if (arguments[i] === undefined) { freeIndices.push(i-2); } args.push(arguments[i]); } return function () { for (var i = 0, N = freeIndices.length; i < N; ++i) { args[freeIndices[i]] = arguments[i]; } return method.apply(object, args); }; } // The prerender function takes a function that draws something // into the context set as the "this" parameter and produces // a prerender maker function that can make pre-rendered objects // parameterized by whatever the given function accepts. // // Damn that's hard to describe in words! So here is some sample // code you can use in the code box - // // if (t === 0) { // var makeBox = prerender(function (w) { // this.canvas.width = w; // this.canvas.height = w; // this.fillStyle = 'red'; // this.fillRect(0, 0, w, w); // }); // // state.smallBox = makeBox(10); // state.bigBox = makeBox(100); // } // // drawImage(smallBox, 100, 100); // drawImage(bigBox, 120, 120); // function prerender(func) { return function () { var canv = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctxt = canv.getContext('2d'); func.apply(ctxt, arguments); return canv; }; } // Enable some state that the render function can use // to keep data that is shared between render() calls. // This is better than accessing the global window // context every time ... and likely more efficient // (accessing window.X is relatively expensive under V8). var $ = {}; var $canvas_container = document.querySelector('.canvas_area'); setInterval((function () { var lastWidth = $canvas_container.offsetWidth; var lastHeight = $canvas_container.offsetHeight; return function () { if (lastWidth !== $canvas_container.offsetWidth || lastHeight !== $canvas_container.offsetHeight) { canvas.width = lastWidth = $canvas_container.offsetWidth; canvas.height = lastHeight = $canvas_container.offsetHeight; } }; }()), 500); // Evaluate the user code inside a with clause that introduces // canvas 2d's context object. This lets the user write code // like "fillRect(0, 0, 20, 20)" instead of "context.fillRect(0, 0, 20, 20)". function evalCode(code) { with ($) { with (context) { with (org.anclab.steller) { with ($steller_scheduler) { with ($steller_scheduler.models ) { with (Math) { canvas.width = $canvas_container.offsetWidth; canvas.height = $canvas_container.offsetHeight; save(); try { t = -1; eval(code); } catch (e) { restore(); throw e; } restore(); }}}}}} return code; } (function () { function getElements(array) { var obj = {}; array.forEach(function (id) { obj[id] = document.getElementById(id); }); return obj; } var elements = getElements(['rendered', 'canvas', 'code', 'export', 'example_buttons', 'example_code', 'toolbar']); var key = ''; function matches(str, re) { var m = str.match(re); return (m && m.length) || 0; } function clearMarksAt(cm, c) { cm.doc.findMarksAt(c).forEach(function (tm) { tm.clear(); }); } function clearAllMarks(cm) { cm.doc.getAllMarks().forEach(function (tm) { tm.clear(); }); } function markRange(cm, from, to, evalSucc) { cm.doc.markText(from, to, {className: evalSucc ? 'last_succ_eval' : 'last_fail_eval'}); } function parenState() { return { paren: 0, sq: 0, brace: 0}; } function parenDet(code, state) { state.paren += matches(code, /[\(]/g); state.paren -= matches(code, /[\)]/g); state.sq += matches(code, /[\[]/g); state.sq -= matches(code, /[\]]/g); state.brace += matches(code, /[\{]/g); state.brace -= matches(code, /[\}]/g); return state; } function codeBlockAtCursor(cm) { // Find out the smallest complete code block around // the current cursor. I approximate this by taking // the smallest code block where the first line and // the last line do not start with white space, but // the rest of the lines do. Given properly indented // code, this is a reasonable bet, but beware in the // case of code that reassigns a variable but the value // of the variable has already been captured in closures. // In such cases, the change may appear to not have any // effect. var c = cm.getCursor(); var codeContext = cm.doc.getLine(c.line); var startLine = c.line, endLine = c.line; var indentedRE = /^\s/; if (!indentedRE.test(codeContext)) { // Potentially at end or start of block. var brackets = parenDet(codeContext, parenState()); if (brackets.paren > 0 || brackets.brace > 0 || brackets.sq > 0) { endLine = startLine + 1; } if (brackets.paren < 0 || brackets.brace < 0 || brackets.sq < 0) { startLine = startLine - 1; } } // Start from the closest line above that isn't indented. while (indentedRE.test(cm.doc.getLine(startLine))) { startLine--; } // Step each line from the starting line and count brackets. // Stop when you reach a line that matches enough brackets. // TODO: Ignore comments in the code that contain brackets. brackets = parenDet(cm.doc.getLine(startLine), parenState()); endLine = startLine; while (brackets.paren > 0 || brackets.sq > 0 || brackets.brace > 0) { endLine++; parenDet(cm.doc.getLine(endLine), brackets); } var rangeL = {line: startLine, ch: 0}; var rangeR = cm.doc.posFromIndex(cm.doc.indexFromPos({line: endLine + 1, ch: 0}) - 1); clearAllMarks(cm); markRange(cm, rangeL, rangeR, true); return cm.doc.getRange(rangeL, rangeR); } // A "code run" is a chunk of code that needs to be evaluated // "now". A code run is recorded along with a time stamp so // that such runs can be replayed (in the future). function recordCodeRun(cm, code) { try { var rec = $recording_in_progress; evalCode(code); if (rec && rec === $recording_in_progress) { $recording.push({time:, code: code}); localStorage['steller_explorer.recording'] = JSON.stringify($recording); } } catch (e) { var m = cm.findMarksAt(cm.getCursor()); if (m.length > 0) { var range = m[0].find(); clearAllMarks(cm); markRange(cm, range.from,, false); } console.log(e); } } // Setup the code editor. elements.code.value = document.querySelector('#example_code textarea').value; // Load instructions example. var canvasCode = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elements.code, {theme: 'solarized dark', continueComments: true}); function autoResizeCodeArea(event) { canvasCode.setSize('420pt', (window.innerHeight - 24) + 'px'); } window.addEventListener('load', autoResizeCodeArea); window.addEventListener('resize', autoResizeCodeArea); // canvasCode.addWidget(CodeMirror.Pos(0,0), elements.toolbar, false); // canvasCode.addLineWidget(0, elements.toolbar, {above: true}); var keyMap = Object.create(CodeMirror.keyMap.default); keyMap['Alt-Enter'] = function (cm) { var code = cm.somethingSelected() ? cm.getSelection() : codeBlockAtCursor(cm); recordCodeRun(cm, code); }; CodeMirror.keyMap['steller_explorer'] = keyMap; canvasCode.setOption('keyMap', 'steller_explorer'); // canvasCode.setSize(null, 600); canvas = elements.canvas; context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvasCode.setOption('lineNumbers', true); function paramsAtPos(cm, pos) { var token = cm.getTokenAt(pos); var path = []; while (token.className === 'property') { path.unshift(token.string); = token.start; token = cm.getTokenAt(pos); if (token.string === '.') { = token.start; token = cm.getTokenAt(pos); } } if (token.className === 'variable') { path.unshift(token.string); } var params = []; if (path.length == 0) { return params; } var obj = path.reduce(function (acc, key) { return acc && acc[key]; }, window); if (obj && obj instanceof org.anclab.steller.Param) { // This is itself a param. So only one param to display. params.push({label: path.join('.'), param: obj}); return params; } if (obj) { // Find all members of this object that are Param instances. var key, param; for (key in obj) { param = obj[key]; if (param && param instanceof org.anclab.steller.Param) { params.push({label: key, param: param}); } } } return params; } var sliderPanelElement = (function () { var e = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '#608b96'; = '5px'; = 100; = 'table'; = '3pt'; e.hidden = true; document.body.appendChild(e); return e; }()); function hideAllSliders() { var sliders = sliderPanelElement.querySelectorAll('div'); var i, N; for (i = 0, N = sliders.length; i < N; ++i) { sliders[i].style.display = 'none'; } } function showSliderForParam(p, dispName) { if (!p.slider) { var d = document.createElement('div'); var slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.setAttribute('type', 'range'); slider.setAttribute('min', '0.0'); slider.setAttribute('max', '1.0'); slider.setAttribute('step', '0.01'); = 'table-cell'; = '5pt'; = '5pt'; p.bind(slider, $steller_scheduler); var name = document.createElement('span'); name.innerHTML = dispName + ': '; = 'sans-serif'; = 'bold'; = 'table-cell'; = 'right'; var t = document.createElement('span'); d.appendChild(name); d.appendChild(slider); d.appendChild(t); (val) { t.innerHTML = ' ' + (Math.round(100 * val)/100); }); p.slider = d; t.innerHTML = ' ' + (Math.round(100 * p.value)/100); = 'table-cell'; sliderPanelElement.appendChild(d); } = 'table-row'; } canvasCode.on('cursorActivity', function (cm) { var token = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor()); var ps = paramsAtPos(cm, cm.getCursor()); if (ps && ps.length > 0) { hideAllSliders(); for (var i = 0, N = ps.length; i < N; ++i) { showSliderForParam(ps[i].param, ps[i].label); } xy = cm.cursorCoords(); = 'table'; = xy.left + 'px'; = (window.innerHeight - + 8) + 'px'; return; } = 'none'; }); var codeChangeTime =; var debounceTime = 300; var codeUpdateTimer = setTimeout(run, 0); var codeIsValid = true; canvasCode.on('change', function (cm) { var now =; if (now - codeChangeTime < debounceTime) { clearTimeout(codeUpdateTimer); // EXPERIMENTAL: // // Trying out a kind of adaptive deboucing of edits. // If the edits are coming in quickly, reduce the // debounce time to improve on realtime feeling. // If edits are coming in slowly, increase the debounce // time to adapt to the programmer's pace. debounceTime *= Math.pow(2.0, 2.0 * Math.min(1.0, Math.max(-1.0, ((now - codeChangeTime) / debounceTime - 0.5)))); } codeUpdateTimer = setTimeout(run, debounceTime, cm); codeChangeTime = now; }); function getRecording() { return JSON.parse(localStorage['steller_explorer.recording']); } elements.export.onclick = function () { if (codeIsValid) { store(saveImage(canvasCode.getValue(), getRecording())); } else { console.error("Invalid code. Won't save image."); } }; // Delay the load operation till everything is ready. loadLastSavedCode(); window.addEventListener('load', load); function run(cm) { try { // Previously I had the changed block evaluate automatically, // but this is in general problematic and it is better for // the user to initiate evaluate using Alt-Enter, in which case // the code block is determined automatically. // //recordCodeRun(codeBlockAtCursor(cm)); store(canvasCode.getValue()); codeIsValid = true; } catch (e) { // Ignore errors codeIsValid = false; } } function saveImage(imgCode, rec) { var r = elements.rendered; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); img.width = canvas.width * 32 / canvas.height; img.height = 32; img.onclick = function (event) { if (event.shiftKey) { setTimeout(function () { r.removeChild(img); store(canvasCode.getValue()); }, 0); } else { canvasCode.doc.setValue(imgCode); clearTimeout(codeUpdateTimer); codeUpdateTimer = setTimeout(run, 0); } }; img.imageCode = imgCode; img.recording = rec; r.insertBefore(img, r.childNodes.length > 0 ? r.childNodes[0] : null); return imgCode; } function store(code) { localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify({code: code, recording: getRecording()}); var r = elements.rendered; var imgs = r.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i, N = imgs.length; var savedImageCode = []; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { savedImageCode.push({code: imgs[i].imageCode, recording: imgs[i].recording}); } localStorage[key+'/saved_code'] = JSON.stringify(savedImageCode); return code; } function load() { var savedImageCode, i; if (localStorage[key + '/saved_code']) { savedImageCode = JSON.parse(localStorage[key + '/saved_code']); elements.rendered.innerHTML = ''; $steller_scheduler.running = false; for (i = savedImageCode.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { evalCode(savedImageCode[i].code); saveImage(savedImageCode[i].code, savedImageCode[i].recording); } $steller_scheduler.cancel(); $steller_scheduler.running = true; } loadLastSavedCode(); } function loadLastSavedCode() { if (localStorage[key]) { // Load the latest code saved. var cr = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]); canvasCode.doc.setValue(cr.code); localStorage['steller_explorer.recording'] = JSON.stringify(cr.recording); } } function setupExamples() { function setupExample(name, code) { var o = document.createElement('option'); o.setAttribute('value', code); o.innerHTML = name; elements.example_buttons.appendChild(o); } var exs = elements.example_code.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); var N = exs.length; var i, ex; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { ex = exs[i]; setupExample(, ex.value); } elements.example_buttons.addEventListener('change', function (event) { canvasCode.doc.setValue([].getAttribute('value')); }); } setupExamples(); }());